Yubel Engine

Engine Overview

The Yubel engine for Labrynth (or any deck that can afford the space really) encompasses 6 Main Deck slots and 1-3 Extra Deck Slots, containing no garnets and 2 bricks. The aim of this engine is to summon Phantom of Yubel in order to get a Monster negate, while having some additional synergy with Labrynth due to Labrynth Cooclock being a Fiend-type Monster with 0 ATK and 0 DEF.

Terraforming Terraforming Card Artwork Ratio: 0-1
Nightmare Throne Nightmare Throne Card Artwork Ratio: 3
Yubel Yubel Card Artwork Ratio: 0-1
Spirit of Yubel Spirit of Yubel Card Artwork Ratio: 1
Phantom of Yubel Phantom of Yubel Card Artwork Ratio: 1-3
Card Effects
Terraforming Card Artwork
Nightmare Throne Card Artwork
Yubel Card Artwork
Spirit of Yubel Card Artwork
Phantom of Yubel Card Artwork

The above shows the ratios that you can play, however it is recommended to play Yubel, as without it certain combos do not work and the engine in general is just worse and Terraforming for consistency.


Below you can find the basic combo, as well as what to do if you draw one of the bricks (Yubel and Spirit of Yubel).

The combo can be started with Nightmare Throne:

  • Activate Nightmare Throne to destroy Spirit of Yubel from the Deck.
  • Use the effect of Spirit of Yubel to special summon Yubel from the Deck.
  • You can now either use Yubel on board as a free body (e.g. to go into Unchained plays), and then contact fuse into Phantom of Yubel, or directly contact fuse.

Phantom of Yubel now allows you to re-write any opponent’s monster effect into “Your opponent destroys 1 “Yubel” monster in their hand, Deck, or field”. This gives you safety against Handtraps like Ash Blossom, Ghost Belle and Nibiru during your Turn or can be used during your opponent’s turn to negate an important combo piece.

When you use the effect of Phantom of Yubel destroy Spirit of Yubel from your Deck, which will then float into Yubel. This once again gives you the materials to summon another Phantom once it is your turn again. You can repeat this as long as you have Phantom of Yubel’s in your Extra Deck.

Please be aware that you can not summon Phantom by using another copy of itself as material, effectively making you never run out of copies. Fusion Monsters that special summon themself from the Extra Deck rather than needing to be fusion summoned can not use monsters are Material that state “Cannot be used as Fusion Material”.

If you draw Throne, but also Spirit the combo changes as followed:

  • Instead of searching Spirit and destroying it, you now search Cooclock, as it and Yubel are your only targets left.
  • You now simply fuse the Clock from the GY and Spirit from your Hand into the phantom.

While this does give you access to Cooclocks effect, you also lose it for followup as you are forced to shuffle it back into the deck. There is no point in searching Yubel in this situation, as it does nothing for you and you would just use two cards from your hand to summon Phantom. This way you at least get a Cooclock trap activation out of it.

Version A: Searching Cooclock

  • This version gives you more advantage, as it gives you a Cooclock Trap activation, however it does not bait any Handtraps besides Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring via the Throne activation
  • This line plays the same as if you draw spirit

Version B: Destroying Spirit from the deck

  • This version in contrast is focused on baiting out handtraps, since by destroying Spirit you can bait for Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion. Even if they do have it, you already hard drew the Yubel, so you are still able to contact fuse

Labrynth Synergies

There are a couple of ways that this engine synergizes with Labrynth:

Not playing Yubel

If you do not play Yubel you can not play the basic combo, as Spirit of Yubel wouldn’t have a target to summon from the target, leaving you with only one of the two required fusion materials. You need to have access to Labrynth Cooclock as well as Spirit of Yubel to summon Phantom of Yubel. If your hand does not have access to both, then this version of the engine uses Nightmare Throne just as a Labrynth Cooclock searcher.

Not playing Yubel makes it less likely for you to be able to use this engine effectively, while increasing the likelihood of bricking. To top it off, even when you do have access to both, you are forced to take Labrynth Cooclock out of your follow up in order to summon Phantom of Yubel, which is highly disadvantageous. You also are unable to summon another Phantom of Yubel on your next turn, as when you use the effect of Phantom of Yubel you will destroy Spirit of Yubel, however you do not get Yubel as the second fusion material, requiring you to gain access to Labrynth Cooclock once again in order to contact fuse.

Not drawing Nightmare Throne

If you do not draw Nightmare Throne you are still able to summon Phantom of Yubel if you draw Labrynth Cooclock together with either Yubel or Spirit of Yubel, tho it does suffer from some of the same issues as not playing Yubel at all. You do have to take Labrynth Cooclock out of rotation to do so, however unlike when not playing Yubel at all you will be able to float with Spirit of Yubel’s effect, allowing you to summon a Phantom of Yubel every turn until you run out.

Expanded Engine

Option A: Unchained

This is the recommended pairing for this engine, as they play greatly together. The Yubel summoned by Spirit of Yubel is a free body to use for Unchained Soul Lord of Yama. The best way to use this is when you draw Arianna the Labrynth Servant in addition to Nightmare Throne.

This line plays the same as just Nightmare Throne, until the point where Yubel hits the board:

  • Rather than instantly fusing into Phantom, you are going to use the Yubel as a body for Yama.
  • Normal Summon Arianna and use her effect to search Big Welcome (this can be any Labrynth card if you already have a target to sacrifice for Sharvara). While this does play into handtraps, the most likely ones to get hit by at this point would be Infinite Impermanence and Dominus Purge, both cards Phantom wouldn’t protect against.
  • Link Arianna and Yubel into Yama, search Sharvara
  • Use Yubel and Spirit from your GY to Special Summon Phantom
  • Set the Big Welcome, then destroy it with Sharvara.
  • Link Yama and Sharvara into Rage, set Escape

You now have multiple points of interaction just from Throne + Arianna:

  • A monster effect re-write via Phantom, which will give you a Yubel on board
  • The full Unchained setup (Rage + Escape, with Yama in GY, including Arianna as an excellent target for Rages destruction effect)
  • Big Welcomes GY effect, as you do control a LV8+ Fiend, Phantom of Yubel (or Yubel after you used Phantoms effect)

Option B: Super Polymerization

The engine can be expanded by using the Yubel on-board not as a free body for links plays / going straight into Phantom of Yubel, but using it as a powerful board breaker instead if you draw Super Polymerization in addition to Nightmare Throne. The Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever you summon is not just a target for , but actually has useful effects.

This can be used both going first, as well as going second:

In this expanded version Super Polymerization is also one of the strongest top decks, as besides its already strong use, you often end with a Yubel on your board at the end of the opponent’s turn allowing you to quickly change the tide of the game.

There is no need to play more than one copy of Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever, as it is a legitimate fusion material for Phantom of Yubel, meaning you can recycle it as often as you need to. You do need to still play Mudragon of the Swamp and Garura, Wings of Resonant Life tho, as otherwise Super Polymerization will be dead if you are unable to get either Yubel or Spirit of Yubel on-board.

And as a last, and hopefully obvious bonus: playing this extended engine makes the Yubel matchup (which is a serious deck with the release of Phantom of Yubel) easier, as you are able to fuse their board using their own Yubel monster.

Super Polymerization Super Polymerization Card Artwork Ratio: 3
Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever Card Artwork Ratio: 1
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life Garura, Wings of Resonant Life Card Artwork Ratio: 1
Mudragon of the Swamp Mudragon of the Swamp Card Artwork Ratio: 1
Card Effects
Super Polymerization Card Artwork
Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever Card Artwork
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life Card Artwork
Mudragon of the Swamp Card Artwork

Garura, Wings of Resonant Life and Mudragon of the Swamp are your Super Polymerization targets in case you do not have access to a Yubel monster, but drew Super Polymerization.

Example Decklists

The Trap and Extra Deck choices in these lists are

Extended A: Unchained

This is a list that has been played by RockRoller, one of the main authors for this article. In addition to the Unchained engine, this also features Labrynth Set-Up with Trap Trick, as well as Ariane the Labrynth Servant. These can be replaced by generics and are merely preference.

Main Deck [42] ($126 | 109€)Download YDK File
Yubel Card Artwork Spirit of Yubel Card Artwork Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle Card Artwork Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle Card Artwork Unchained Soul of Sharvara Card Artwork Arias the Labrynth Butler Card Artwork Arias the Labrynth Butler Card Artwork Arias the Labrynth Butler Card Artwork Ariane the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Arianna the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Arianna the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Arianna the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Labrynth Chandraglier Card Artwork Labrynth Chandraglier Card Artwork Labrynth Chandraglier Card Artwork Labrynth Stovie Torbie Card Artwork Labrynth Stovie Torbie Card Artwork Labrynth Stovie Torbie Card Artwork Labrynth Cooclock Card Artwork Terraforming Card Artwork Pot of Prosperity Card Artwork Labrynth Set-Up Card Artwork Nightmare Throne Card Artwork Nightmare Throne Card Artwork Nightmare Throne Card Artwork Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Transaction Rollback Card Artwork Infinite Impermanence Card Artwork Infinite Impermanence Card Artwork Infinite Impermanence Card Artwork Ice Dragon's Prison Card Artwork Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon Card Artwork Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon Card Artwork Escape of the Unchained Card Artwork Trap Trick Card Artwork Trap Trick Card Artwork Dimensional Barrier Card Artwork Big Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Big Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Big Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Rivalry of Warlords Card Artwork
Extra Deck [15] ($116 | 96€)
Phantom of Yubel Card Artwork Phantom of Yubel Card Artwork Chaos Angel Card Artwork Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis Card Artwork Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis Card Artwork D/D/D Wave High King Caesar Card Artwork Gagaga Cowboy Card Artwork Unchained Abomination Card Artwork Unchained Soul of Anguish Card Artwork Knightmare Unicorn Card Artwork Unchained Soul Lord of Yama Card Artwork Unchained Soul Lord of Yama Card Artwork Unchained Soul of Rage Card Artwork S:P Little Knight Card Artwork Muckraker From the Underworld Card Artwork

Extended B: Super Polymerization

Main Deck [42] ($123 | 108€)Download YDK File
Yubel Card Artwork Spirit of Yubel Card Artwork Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle Card Artwork Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle Card Artwork Arias the Labrynth Butler Card Artwork Arias the Labrynth Butler Card Artwork Arias the Labrynth Butler Card Artwork Ariane the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Arianna the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Arianna the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Arianna the Labrynth Servant Card Artwork Labrynth Chandraglier Card Artwork Labrynth Chandraglier Card Artwork Labrynth Chandraglier Card Artwork Labrynth Stovie Torbie Card Artwork Labrynth Stovie Torbie Card Artwork Labrynth Stovie Torbie Card Artwork Labrynth Cooclock Card Artwork Terraforming Card Artwork Pot of Prosperity Card Artwork Super Polymerization Card Artwork Super Polymerization Card Artwork Super Polymerization Card Artwork Labrynth Set-Up Card Artwork Nightmare Throne Card Artwork Nightmare Throne Card Artwork Nightmare Throne Card Artwork Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Infinite Impermanence Card Artwork Infinite Impermanence Card Artwork Infinite Impermanence Card Artwork Ice Dragon's Prison Card Artwork Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon Card Artwork Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon Card Artwork Trap Trick Card Artwork Trap Trick Card Artwork Dimensional Barrier Card Artwork Big Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Big Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Big Welcome Labrynth Card Artwork Rivalry of Warlords Card Artwork
Extra Deck [10] ($106 | 79€)
Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever Card Artwork Phantom of Yubel Card Artwork Phantom of Yubel Card Artwork Garura, Wings of Resonant Life Card Artwork Mudragon of the Swamp Card Artwork Chaos Angel Card Artwork Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis Card Artwork Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis Card Artwork D/D/D Wave High King Caesar Card Artwork Muckraker From the Underworld Card Artwork